CDRMTN Coffee Bar, formerly the mini Velvet Cup in Cedar Mountain, has officially opened! Actually, the first day we opened was September 23rd and 5 days later, Hurricane Helene flooded 6 Cedar Mtn small businesses including the Distillery that's next to the Coffee Bar. The coffee truck miraculously received no water damage and unlike other items of ours, we didn't have to retrieve the truck from down the river! We waited patiently for the power and water to be restored, for the highway to get repaired back up to Cedar Mountain and BOOM, we are BACK! After reopening, we were able to be a great stop for smiles and warm drinks for our neighbors and crews that were working around the clock to get out little mountain town back online. Thankful to have this truck apart of the Dearbaugh family businesses! Thank you for your support and patience as we navigate through the next several months of rebuilding back our Cedar Mountain businesses. Come see us!